Wednesday, August 26, 2020

One of the Major EA Frameworks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

One of the Major EA Frameworks - Essay Example to the Zachman Framework is that a similar composite issue or thing can be clarified for different reasons in various manners utilizing assorted kinds of portrayals. These portrayals can be for example printed or graphical (Goldberg, 2008). The Zachman Framework gives the thirty six fundamental classes for entirely depicting everything; particularly complex issues, for example, fabricated items like apparatuses, developed structures like structures and undertakings like the affiliations and the entirety of its innovations, individuals and objectives. The structure gives six various changes of a hypothetical idea, not developing in factors, however changing from six different perspectives. It grants differing people to take a gander at comparative issues from different perspectives. This sets a comprehensive viewpoint of the environment, a crucial capacity outlined in the system plan (Goldberg, 2008). In 2001, the Zachman Framework was utilized by the United States Department of Veter ans Affairs (USDVA). The necessary system in all parts of the VA undertakings fluctuated from information, business forms, area, specialized, work force and point of view prerequisites. Toward the start of the 21st century, the Department of Veterans Affairs intended to execute a compositional venture completely dependent on the Zachman Framework. In 2001, this Framework was utilized as a kind of perspective copy to begin the endeavor engineering arranging. Some place in the middle of, the Veterans Affair Zachman Framework Portal was made. Also, the Veterans Affair Framework Portal is still being used as a kind of perspective copy for example in the assurance of EA data gathered from different organizations and venture source records (Donald 2008). The Zachman Framework has unfathomably been utilized as a methods for giving structures to Information... This paper explores on Zachman Framework and clarifies its qualities and shortcomings. The scientist of this paper additionally incorporates the framework’s reason, extension, standards, and the sorts of structures it utilizes, as fitting to the system. The exposition additionally expects to incorporate in any event two instances of associations that have utilized the structure and quickly talk about them. Perspectives give the system of getting data concerning the connections that are fundamental in the design. Strategies express the people who sort out and assemble data. They construct the perspectives in an implies that helps ensure the precision, trustworthiness and culmination. Experience and preparing continues the utilization of instruments and utilization of changing strategies. The Zachman Framework is an EA structure for big business design. It gives an authority and significantly arranged method of introducing and characterizing an endeavor. It has two dimensional a rranging framework dependent on the association of six correspondence phrases. These expressions are what, why, when, where, how and who with six columns with a consent to redress changes. The Zachman Framework isn't a philosophy. This is on the grounds that it doesn't involve any predetermined procedure or technique for assortment, the executives, or utilizing the information that it clarifies. This system is named after its architect John Zachman, who built up the impression during the 80s at IBM. By applying the Zachman Framework to Service Oriented Architecture, the SO planner makes a structure for tolerating the association among the various components of an effective SOA.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Empirical analysis of determinants of audit fees in China Essay

Observational examination of determinants of review charges in China - Essay Example In any case, money related data about a portion of the recorded organizations was absent for which the Chinese database RESSET was utilized as the strengthening source. Aside from this, yearly report of a portion of the organizations was likewise checked. The information that are considered for the investigation are of 2011. For the examination of the gathered information SPSS, factual programming has been utilized. The primary segment depends on the examination of the entire informational collection that involves information of the recorded organizations of both Shenzhen and Shanghai. The subsequent segment investigations the information of the two urban communities independently. 4.2 Descriptive Statistics of entire example The Table 1 given beneath shows the measurements for the review charges regarding different factors. As the table shows that the base review expenses is ?1.00 million, though the greatest is ?3.51 million. This uncovers there is a tremendous contrast between the review expenses of the two urban areas. Be that as it may, the normal review charges in these two urban areas are ?3.51 million. This gigantic contrast can be because of the variables like qualities of the territory and money related situation of the organization, which are situated at the different spots of the two urban areas. ... The base stock proportion is 0 while the most extreme is .94. The normal stock proportion is 0.18. The stock proportion portrays a tremendous contrast between the most extreme and least levels. A portion of the associations are believed to have no inventories at all while some different organizations are having an elevated level of stock with them. This proportion helps in deciding the reality whether the association is making ideal usage of assets. Along these lines, a high stock proportion isn't useful for the association (Barthwal, 2007; Anupindi et al., 2008). Records receivables is the case that is paid in real money and in return for the item and administrations that are given by the organization. The situation of records receivable in contrast with the all out resources of the firm is appeared by the records receivable proportion. It means the unpredictability of the association (Jiambalvo, 2009; 2007; Weil, 2012). The table 1 shows that the records receivable proportion exten ds between the base estimation of 00 and the most extreme estimation of 0.60. The normal record receivable proportion is 0.93. The intangibles proportion of the firm is another factor, which is considered to influence the auditor’s charges. At the point when the elusive resources are contrasted with the absolute resource, it is seen that the proportion is at the very least degree of 00 and the greatest degree of 0.67. The normal elusive proportion is 0.05. This uncovers a portion of the organizations don't have any sort of elusive resources while some others have. The present proportion is another factor that may influence the review charges. The present proportion is determined by isolating the present resources by the present liabilities (Lasher, 2013; Pratt, 2010; Gibson, 2012). The base current proportion is 0.11 and the greatest is 204.74. This implies there exists an immense

Friday, August 21, 2020

Funding your education at SIPA part 1 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog

Funding your education at SIPA part 1 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog The students who plan ahead for the costs of a SIPA education are the ones who are best prepared.   A SIPA education is not inexpensive, but there are fellowship or scholarship opportunities, as well as financing strategies, that can make it affordable and manageable. Once you have been admitted, SIPA will provide you with an estimate of what you will spend on tuition, fees, textbooks and typical living expenses to help you get started in your financial planning, along with information about the aid for which you qualify.   Budgeting your resources is the first step in planning how to manage the costs of your SIPA program.   Remember that New York is an expensive city to live in, but there are on-campus residence options, and Columbia is located in a thriving and bustling residential neighborhood.   Many students live within walking distance of the campus. In preparing your financing strategy, look at all options, including resources you currently have available.   Examine financial resources you have on hand in salary, savings or assistance from your family in addition to the types of fellowships, scholarships and loans available from SIPA, government sources or private external agencies.   Many SIPA students create a strategy employing three or four of these components. First Year Fellowship and Scholarship Awards SIPA scholarship and fellowship awards are competitive and offered to approximately 10 to 15 percent of first year students.   All admitted students are automatically considered, no additional application is required.   These merit-based awards are based entirely on your academic achievement and professional credentials; financial need is not a factor.   SIPA scholarships range in value from $3000 per year up to full tuition; most fall approximately midway in between.   If you are a US citizen/permanent resident, you may submit a FAFSA for student loans, but the FAFSA is not reviewed nor required for fellowship/scholarship determination. SIPA scholarship and fellowship awards are available to both domestic and international students. SIPA has arrangements with some external agencies, such as the Rangel, Pickering, Fulbright and other foundations, where we will match part of the award a student receives from that entity.   Please advise us if you have such funding (from these or similar sources) as soon as you are aware of the award so we can consider you for matching funds. External Awards While searching for funding from outside foundations and organizations comes with no guarantees, such funding is only a possibility if you take the time to search for it.   The SIPA Financial Aid Office maintains a database of external scholarships and fellowships that we recommend students visit often.   These funding opportunities may be available to all students, first or second year, domestic or international, and may be based on any combination of academic achievement, professional credentials, areas of interest and experience, financial need, or demographic criteria.   SIPA students receive hundreds of thousands of dollars in funding through outside sources of their own finding every year, and it is not too early to begin your search for these resources. You may also want to visit the following sites:

Funding your education at SIPA part 1 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog

Funding your education at SIPA part 1 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog The students who plan ahead for the costs of a SIPA education are the ones who are best prepared.   A SIPA education is not inexpensive, but there are fellowship or scholarship opportunities, as well as financing strategies, that can make it affordable and manageable. Once you have been admitted, SIPA will provide you with an estimate of what you will spend on tuition, fees, textbooks and typical living expenses to help you get started in your financial planning, along with information about the aid for which you qualify.   Budgeting your resources is the first step in planning how to manage the costs of your SIPA program.   Remember that New York is an expensive city to live in, but there are on-campus residence options, and Columbia is located in a thriving and bustling residential neighborhood.   Many students live within walking distance of the campus. In preparing your financing strategy, look at all options, including resources you currently have available.   Examine financial resources you have on hand in salary, savings or assistance from your family in addition to the types of fellowships, scholarships and loans available from SIPA, government sources or private external agencies.   Many SIPA students create a strategy employing three or four of these components. First Year Fellowship and Scholarship Awards SIPA scholarship and fellowship awards are competitive and offered to approximately 10 to 15 percent of first year students.   All admitted students are automatically considered, no additional application is required.   These merit-based awards are based entirely on your academic achievement and professional credentials; financial need is not a factor.   SIPA scholarships range in value from $3000 per year up to full tuition; most fall approximately midway in between.   If you are a US citizen/permanent resident, you may submit a FAFSA for student loans, but the FAFSA is not reviewed nor required for fellowship/scholarship determination. SIPA scholarship and fellowship awards are available to both domestic and international students. SIPA has arrangements with some external agencies, such as the Rangel, Pickering, Fulbright and other foundations, where we will match part of the award a student receives from that entity.   Please advise us if you have such funding (from these or similar sources) as soon as you are aware of the award so we can consider you for matching funds. External Awards While searching for funding from outside foundations and organizations comes with no guarantees, such funding is only a possibility if you take the time to search for it.   The SIPA Financial Aid Office maintains a database of external scholarships and fellowships that we recommend students visit often.   These funding opportunities may be available to all students, first or second year, domestic or international, and may be based on any combination of academic achievement, professional credentials, areas of interest and experience, financial need, or demographic criteria.   SIPA students receive hundreds of thousands of dollars in funding through outside sources of their own finding every year, and it is not too early to begin your search for these resources. You may also want to visit the following sites:

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Single Parent Families Are A Better Environment For Children

Statistics show that single parent families tend to be more positive than two-parent families because children are more likely to experience fewer problems in a single parent family. Single parent families tend to adopt children from third-world countries, where two-parent families are more likely to adopt from within their own country. Children from other countries normally have attachment issues due to the poverty and culture. By choosing to not adopt children from other countries, those children may suffer even more from poverty and cultural discrimination. Single parent family homes are a better environment for children due to the time, love, and nurture those individuals are able to give. One-parent families who adopt take more†¦show more content†¦In accordance to the article, â€Å"Adoption†, â€Å"many adoptions occur partly out of a need to find permanent, loving families for children whose parents cannot raise them because of factors such as teen pregnancy or low income.† Other parents choose to become adoptive parents instead being birth parents. Research shows that most adoptions work out well, if not better, and that most adopted children develop strong and healthy. Also, many single parents adopt children because they may not be able to conceive themselves. It is important for single parents to know that they aren’t any less of a parent than one with a spouse. Single parents should be encouraged and shown support rather than being discouraged. Single parents are more likely than a two parent family to adopt, mostly because single parents are not able to have a child without a partner and single parents are normally not looking for a partner (Duin). Single Parent families should not feel the pressure of not being good enough, because any family that does what is best for their child is in the right. Adoptive mothers explain that having a male role model in their child’s life is still important. A grandfather, fr iend, or even a god father or relative in a child’s life can help to provide a male role model. Some people consider adoption to be a better way of providing the child with a better life, but it is so much more than that. Not only is the child being placed in a loving home, but that child is able toShow MoreRelatedEssay on One Parent Family vs Two Parent Family901 Words   |  4 Pagesbelieve that children should be raised in a stable nurturing home by either both parents, mother and father or by a single parent. I feel that if it is a loving home where each parent is taking part in raising the child it is beneficial to the child. On the other hand if both parents argue all the time than it is not beneficial for the child’s upbringing. In having just one custodial parent the child is better off because the one parent will be able to provide a better stable social environment. Few parentsRead MoreAdopting A Single Parent Family978 Words   |  4 Pagesthere are many c hildren whose parents have died or cannot raise them as well as abandoned infants. In order to solve this inevitable situation, some couples and a single man or woman who have the ability to raise the kids will apply for the qualifications to adopt them. However, some people pose a question that should single people be able to adopt children as easily as couples. With a lot of attention, this topic has become a very intriguing argument. Nowadays, having two parents is not any moreRead MoreAdvantages and Disadvantages of Single Parent Homes1394 Words   |  6 Pagesof single parent homes. As compared to over forty to fifty years ago, single-parent families are common in today’s world. A single parent is a parent with one or more children, who is not living with any of the children’s other parents. The percentage of children who live with two parents has been declining among all racial and ethnic groups throughout the years. It has been found that children in single-par ent homes generally fare worse than those in homes with two parents. In today’s single parentRead MoreGrowing Up In A Single-Parent Family664 Words   |  3 PagesGrowing Up In A Single-Parent Family With the divorce rate as high as it is, more and more children are growing up in single-parent families. Ideally, it is better for children to live with their mom and dad happily married; however, children who grow up in single-parent households can still be well- adjusted children, teenagers, and adults. Although there are always exceptions to every rule, for the most part, children who grow up in single-parent working householdsRead MoreThe Single Parent Family Structural Environment And Economic Conditions Can Hinder The Development And Growth Of A Child936 Words   |  4 Pagesmany children live in homes where there is only one parent, commonly known as single-parent family. According to 2011 Canada Census Bureau information, the number of children living in single-parent households have gone up since 2001 and almost more than three quarters of these children aged 14 and under are living with single parent family headed by woman (Statistics Canada, 2011). Many times there is the absence of the father in these single-parent homes. Children living in such single parent homesRead MoreEssay on Single-Parent Families820 Words   |  4 PagesThe journal article is talking about the difficulties which the single-parent families facing, such as emotional problems, housing stress and financial stress. It generated different viewpoints from different literature, and suggested an approach to meet the needs of single-parents. There is no doubt that both children and parents from single-parent families would more or less with some emotional, personality and interpersonal problems. This reflective paper that not aim to go further to exploreRead MoreShould parents assume equal responsibilities when raising a child?1330 Words   |  6 Pagesand maintains family, creates and sustains the ties of kinship, and is the basis of community† (Rowe 2). Marriage is a concept bigger than ones happiness and it is the basic for creating a peaceful home for the family. According to Rowe, â€Å"This sense of home requires the dynamic participation of both women and men--the women to mother and the men to father--to fulfill the daily roles of teaching, nurturing and protecting children† ( 2). Parents have an obligation to take care for children, so that whenRead MoreShould Parents Assume Equal Responsibility When Raising a Child?1582 Words   |  7 Pagesapart. â€Å"Marriage establishes and maintains family, creates and sustains the ties of kinship, and is the basis of community† (Rowe 2). Marriage is a concept bigger than ones happiness and it is the basic for creating a peaceful home for the family. â€Å"This sense of home requires the dynamic participation of both women and men--the women to mother and the men to father--to fulfill the daily roles of teaching, nurturing and protecting children† (Rowe 2). Your parents’ have an obligation to take care for youRead MoreWhat Are The Positive And Negative Consequences Of Divorce On Child Development?1626 Words   |  7 PagesSometimes it’s better to say goodbye†: What are the positive and negative consequences of divorce on child development? Introduction In this 21st century the family concept is continuiously changing dynamic, there can be two males or two females as parents. Parents that are going through divorce or an increase in marital dissolution are often concerned about the effect that it will have on their children. They wonder if they are sacrificing their childrens health and happiness for their own selfishRead MoreBlacks Are Not All Living in Poverty1032 Words   |  5 PagesMen and women that are living in or below the poverty line in the black community and are constantly being judged and criticized due to their income, type of family and if they are married. Though many struggle, they can not all fit into one category as to why they are poor. According to Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s report, â€Å"The Negro Family: The Case for National Action,† blacks are living in poverty and barely digging their way out. There is a struggle in every race and poverty is certainly not just

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Reflective Journal on Communication - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 10 Words: 3026 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Marketing Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? Reflective Journal Communication is a two way process which acts as a channel to connect people and impart of opinions, thoughts, ideas, information or messages from one party to another party. It also plays a role in exchanging information whereby the receiver decodes the message and encodes the sender a feedback. This is the formal way to explain communication. Means of communication as different ways but we can define four ways of communication; forms, medium, the media and other kinds (Judith Dywer 2013). Communication provides make friends and connects people to each other. People make communication in order to make things happen in our lives and it is something that humans do every day. An effective leader, manager, legal practitioner, medical professional, social worker, accountant, human resource manager or person working in any other occupation is able to communicate and work with others in a purposeful, supportive and flexible manner (Judith Dywer 201 3). By having effective communication will help to achieves the intended outcome. As well as achieving the intended outcome, competent communicators also make connections and build ongoing relationships with others, whereas ineffective communicators raise barriers. Communication competence reflects our ability to interact and influence others in a variety of context. The ability to communicate also reflected in the quality and range or their communication skills (Judith Dywer 2013). In the year of 2010 after my O-Level examination, I was asked to help and join a charity group by one of my friends who work as a Gerontological nursing for one month in the old folks. Under her guidance, I act as her assistance. The majority patients are elderly adults. By doing this it required the knowledge about complex factors that affect the health of older adults as older adults are more likely than younger adults to have one or more chronic health conditions. With this, it is essential for me to develop a good relationship with them. Older people as individuals who have a wide range of health care needs, as I try a few comments to promote rapport:à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Are you from this area?à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . Rapport talk usually is used to establish relationships and connections with others quickly. With established patients, friendly questions about their families or activities can relieve stress. In order to build an interaction, I must show up, sincerity, empathy and trustworthiness. Dilenschneider (1996) describes empathy as the foundation for the quality of a relationship. In satisfying relationship both parties have empathy for the otherà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s point of view and are willing to provide sufficient and appropriate feedback to create mutual understanding. Implementation of interpersonal skills in communication could stimulate the effective communication and promote good relationships. Interpersonal skills are defined by the ability that acquired by an individual t o interact effectively with other people (Johnson 2008). As mentioned above, communication is the exchange (encode-decode) of opinions, information, thoughts and ideas through verbal and non-verbal, and both of them present simultaneously (Chitty and Black 2007, p.218). For information, verbal communication consists of all speeches whereas non-verbal communication consists of postures, gestures, tone, level of volume and facial expressions. It reminds me of one patient whom I call her as Mrs. Z, not an actual name (Appendix I) to keep the secrecy of patientà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s data (Nursing Midwifery Council 2004). I was arranged to mental health care ward. Generally, there were two separated wards which were male and female ward. There is a small canteen which was shared by both male and female ward in the area of ward. The wards were locked up so there is only one main entrance. In addition, the female patients were encouraged to walk out from their ward and join with the male patients at the small canteen during their mealtime. During the lunch time, I noticed one old lady was still resting on her bed. She was Mrs Z, 76 years old been diagnosed a schizophrenia. Her muscle could not be controlled voluntarily; it also called as tremor which caused by the insufficiency of the substance. She was unable to move or walk herself and need to be helped if she wanted to move around. So I took the Mrs. Zà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s to have her lunch and fed her on the bed. Due to her condition, this old lady loses the ability to feed on her own. Therefore, I need to check on her diet and serve her the meal and fed her meal until she is finished. Before I started to feed her, I presented myself and move toward Mrs. Z. I tried to develop a nice interrelationship with her so she would not feel weird as I was not part of her family members or relatives. My first approached was to ask whether she would like to take her lunch or not. She was having soft diet like low in residu e, easily to be digested as she was having difficulty in swallowing. If she wants to take her meal then I will ask for her permission to feed her. At first, she stared at me and looked like confuse. In this condition, I presented up my emphatic listening and I tried to put myself in her situation and what if I was having a hearing problem. Emphatic listening is defined by willingness to figure out the other person not just form an opinion on the personà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s fact (Wold 2004, p73). Then, I touched her shoulder, continued saying and increase my sound a bit as I was concerned if she had a hearing impairment. At the same moment, I did some of the body gesturers which could be understood an action of eating. I paused a while and repeated my movements but this time I was using simple and straightforward words to her. She looked at me again and nodded with her head. Happily, the body language did aid in to improve my conversation with her. Nonverbal communication is more power ful than verbal communication in conveying emotions, attitudes and reaction. Movement of arms, hands, feet and head are closely oriented with the spoken words. They convey messages about emotions, feelings and attitudes (Judith Dywer 2013). With my understanding, I think I need to speak louder as she could hear it clearly and try to know more terms in her language so that she could figure it out and understand of my actions towards her. I assumed that the language barriers will discontinuities our verbal communication. Communication barrier happens when there are individuals come from a dissimilar social background and use their own slang or words in the conversations, as results in a misinterpretation of the message (Judith Dywer 2013). But, somehow, there is also the noise coming from the canteen that distorts the intended message. Noise is an interruption to the message or communication flow that can lead to misunderstanding. Noise is not a good environment for communication. Thi s indicates that the bad quality of the external environment and as well as the geographical distance can limit or inhibit effective communication (Judith Dywer 2013). Fortunately, those body gesturers could get her to understand that I was going to feed for her lunch. During the feeding time, I keep up with the eye contact in order to make her to feel better and less nervous. With keeping up my eye contact with her would show my willingness and interest to assist her in feeding. A capacity to ignore distraction and understanding the impact of moving into the personal space of others which said that the supportive of eye contact of the speaker without intimidating would express a sense of attention in the person to the other person that involves in that communication. (Judith Dywer 2013).In the time being, I tried my best to interact in the ways that she felt comfortable with. As a result, she gave a good support and take pleasure in the meal until finished. I feel that, I had made the right choice to go along with and give a hand Mrs. Z in feeding. One of the elements results in the lack communication is task-centred communication, but based on opinion, I think that task centred communication and patient centred communication and are involved in the relationship of communication (McCabe 2004, p.44). In my view, I show my empathy to Mrs Z as she was a patient who unable to feed herself. In addition, it was part of my duty to feed her and to ensure the patient get their best care in the ward. During the feeding, my non-verbal communication skill was able to be improved in my conversation with her. The non-verbal communication plays a role since she was suffering a hearing impairment and unable to interact in the first language properly. Non-verbal communication is essential especially communicating with the elderly people who having a hearing problem (Caris-Verhallen et al 1999, p.809). In order to improve the quality of interaction with people who having he aring impairment, there were some effective methods to deal with it. For instance, gaining the personà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s attention before speaking, making yourself visible to prevent them being frightened and trying to apply some sensitive touch (Hollman et al 2005, p31). To me, this is a very good and valuable experience because I can learn to develop my non-verbal communication. Due to the language barrier I used most of the body gesturers in my conversation with Mrs. Z. I tried to speak in her dialect as she was only able to speak very limited in the first language. Besides that, one specific type of non-verbal communication which was gesturers, designed to express thoughts and ideas and it was useful for people who unable to use much words (Wold 2004, p.76). Thus, I used my facial expressions to advise her so she could finish the meal. Mrs Z was unwilling to take the meal after few scopes, but I just smiled and told her that it was good for her health if she finished her meal. T hough I was unable to explain clearly the nutrition diet to her, I use my facial expression to encourage her to finish the meal which was prepared according to her condition and need. As according to Wold (2004, p.76), the most expressive is the facial expressions which are always unlimited to particular cultural and age barriers. The communication between Mrs Z and I was the interpersonal communication. The interpersonal communication was interaction which involved of two parties (Funnell et al 2005, p.438). During carrying out my duty, I realized that my nonverbal communication did improve and help me a lot especially when provide the caring to Mrs. Z. However, I found out the language barrier was one of the issues occurs within the communication even though she was able to get few simple phrases and words when I was doing some inquiry from her. Since the patient was not speaking in the official language, I tried to speak in her dialect. Thus, I still had the ability to handle the communication in our conversation but it was very challenging to create the effective verbal communication with the patient. Applying the nonverbal and the verbal communication simultaneously did encourage her to perform better. It was quite tough but at least this could make me understand what she tried to express. From the situation we can see that, when I was asking her questions there was a response from Mrs. Z. A communication occurs as long as an individual was responding to a message received and assigning meaning to it (Funnel et al 2005, p.438). She nodded her head to show that she agreed with me. One of the components of the communication process was the channel which act as a mechanism during the message is sending out (Delaune and Ladner 2002, p.191). Mrs. Z also used her body gesturers and eye behaviour as a feedback to me that she was able to understand it. Thus I could conclude that the form of communication that I used were visual and auditory. A feedback means t hat the sender is receiving the information after the receiver is reacting to the message (Delaune and Ladner 2002, p.191). While, according to Chitty and Black (2007, p.218), feedback is a response to a message. From my stand, I play a role as a sender to convey messages and Mrs Z, as the receiver who agreed to take meal and allow me to feed. Therefore, I could identity that the communication between Mrs Z and I was entangled of five elements of communication process (Delaune and Ladner, 2002, p.191). She needed quite sometimes to familiarise the changes in her day-to-day activities living where I was trying to facilitate her in feeding. In order to develop more skills in my communication, I was trying to involve my emotion and thoughts during the feeding. Eventually, the communication was successfully conducted as she delights in finishing the meal. So it is fundamental to develop rapport with her to inspire her capability to speak up verbally and non-verbal. Furthermore, this ability could help her to communicate successfully with other staffs. Next, people will pay more attention to her because of her oldness or her incapacity to understand the information given about her medication. Communications shows what the patients think and feel. By the way to communicate with adult, it is significant to assess her usual communication language and her ability to work together in the other languages (Hyland and Donaldson 1989). As I tried to use some of the words in her dialect, I basically try to encourage the patient to communicate verbally and non-verbal so that it could be understood. In my view, no matter it was task centred communication or patient-centred communication or both together mentioned by McCabe (2004) actually does involve in the communication with the patients. Therefore, it was not a difficulty to dispute which type of communication contains in my conversation with my patient. After examined the condition, skills and techniques for effective c ommunication with the patient that I had learnt likes the ways of approaching to the patient, asking questions, being an active listening, showing my empathy and comforting or handling the patient emotions (Walsh, 2005, p.34). Effective communication is vital in my duty as I want to know what they need the most during warded under my supervision. Based on my experience, I always learnt that the communication was the ultimate part to create a good relationship. With this, it express that a communication is the key basis of relationship (Wood 2006, p.13). Thus, a good communication must be existed to get to know the patientà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s individual health condition (Walsh, 2005, p.30). Active listening is emphatic listening without two ways emotional involvement to the verbal and nonverbal component of a message. Distinction was existed between the presence of barrier communication when it get along with the patients (Judith Dywer 2013). As this is why active listening is a ve ry important part as in active listening means listening without making judgement and just listening to the patients à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"complaints which give me chances to put myself in someones shoes (Arnold 2007, p.201). On the other side, it also crucial to dodge away with the barriers existed in the communication with the patients. When I was talking to the patients about their health condition or asking them if any assistance was needed in their daily activities, I still could sense the existence of the barriers of language. At the same time, I would also keep reminding myself of trying to avoid the barriers in my communication with people by using the open-ended questions but not to non-verbal cues, disrupting, judging and criticising (Funnell et al, 2005, p.453). By doing stereotyping or guesses about the patientsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ views and first impression of patients and lack of consciousness of communication skills are the leading barriers to communications (Walsh 2005, p.31) . I must not judge the patients like donà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t judge a book by its cover. In conversely, I have to make patients feel comfortable like a normal individual. An individual should be considerate to respect their fundamental values, culture, beliefs and individual ways of communication (Heath, 2000, p.27). So, I should be able to know on how to create interrelationship with the patients. The seven components which are becoming visible, anticipating needs, being reliable, listening, staying in control, being self-disclosure, caring and respecting for each patient as an individual, being humour when appropriate, educating the patient, distributing the patient some control, and using gestures to show some supports (Crellin 1998, p.49). These ways could provide some useful guidelines to me in order to enhance my communication skills with the patients. In addition, adding on my action plan list is essential as to identify the disabilities that the patients having such as hearing disability, mental disability and visual impairment. So, I could well-prepared my communication method effectively once I was able to identify the disability of patient. The particular skills and considerations should be acquired and required when communicating with people who suffered from sight impairment, hearing impairment and mentality problem (Heath 2000, p28). Furthermore, if the person could not understand, try not to repeat but to speak a little slowly and recast or put another way when interacting with the hearing difficulties people (Nazarko 2004, p.9). For information, in commonly, hearing impairment occurs among adults due to ageing process (Schofield, 2002, p.21). As for me, I would like start a communication with a good rapport in order to find out the factors that affect the patientsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ ability to interact well and try to avoid barriers in order to create a more effective communication in future. As a conclusion, communication is an important part of our everyday life. The suitable use of every part of the types of communication will leads to effective communication. Effective communication also helps to encourage a decent working relationship between you and your staff, which can sequentially improve morale and efficiency (Queensland Government 2015). As to be a people, who are successful in their profession are not only proficient in their functional and technical areas of expertise. They are also communication oriented with the ability to demonstrate professionalism, empathy, awareness and concern for others. They use good listening skills and understand their own concerns and needs. These people are open, approachable and supportive of others (Judith Dywer 2013). Reference List Judith Dwyer 2013, Communication for business and the professions: strategies and skills (fifth edition), published by PEARSON. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Reflective Journal on Communication" essay for you Create order

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Poverty in Philippines - 2890 Words

Introduction: This study is about the economic, political and socio- cultural conditions of the Urban Poor. Urban poor has become an interesting topic now days since it is very relevant to modern society. Poverty tends to be the greatest ill that plagues the Filipino as a society. The poor ranges from poor, very poor, and to the very, very poor. The topic URBAN POOR was selected from a group of topics given and then given emphasis by the author according to the relevance of this specific group in todays world. Each condition is specifically analyzed in different aspects and parts to further understand the study. In doing so, one will be able to broaden ones ideas and analysis in certain conditions in relation to the topic about Urban†¦show more content†¦At the same time as there is a rampant case of unemployment. Unemployment is an involuntary idleness on the part of those who have failed to find employment or who have lost their latest jobs, but are able to find work. (Miranda, 1973), A lot of people are experiencing hardships just to survive. Unemployment occurs when there is a dysfunction in the economic system. A lot of people are waiting for the right jobs, but since the there is a competition there are lots of people vying for certain jobs. Others are fortunate, while others are not. b. Political Situation The political situation in our society is at its worst. No matter how we try to change how the things work in our political system, there are still some things that just will not go easily. More and more officials of the government, no matter how they are placed in the government succumb to transactions full of anomalies. The honesty infused to us seems to be disappearing because of the overwhelming effects of materialism and the worsening effects of socio- economic conditions. Our excessive desire to own more wealth and money made the virtue of honesty to be a thing of the past. This dreadful situation affects the poor people much m ore than the rich ones. There are disproportionate services given to these groups of people. Let us look at the case of the judicial system. A judge renders an unjust judgment in the case submitted to himShow MoreRelatedPoverty in the Philippines2420 Words   |  10 Pagesstudent Poverty in the Philippines UN Millennium Development Goal Poverty in the Philippines UN Millennium Development Goal MDG 1 Report: Poverty in the Philippines INTRODUCTION Poverty reduction has been a major problem for all developing countries. As Kofi Annan stated â€Å"The biggest enemy of health in the developing world is poverty† (Kofi Annan, cited in WHO, 2013). Poverty is experienced all over the world but its effect is most significantly seen in developing countries like Philippines, oneRead MorePoverty in the Philippines7342 Words   |  30 PagesIntroduction The Philippines is one of the three countries granted exemption in 1995 from the removal of quantitative restriction (QR) on rice under Annex 5 of the World Trade Organization (WTO) agreement. Japan and South Korea are the other two countries. The exemption will expire on December 31, 2004. The primary objective of the paper is to look at the possible poverty and distributional effects of the removal of the QR and the reduction in tariffs on rice imports. In particular, the paper attemptsRead MoreWhat Are the Causes of Poverty in Philippine Economy?4902 Words   |  20 Pagescauses of poverty in Philippine economy? I.INTRODUCTION : One of the major problems that continue to plaque the Philippines is poverty. Despite the said efforts of both government and business firms many Filipinos remain in need. It is not a simple problem because now days we are facing mass poverty. For all the magnificent testimonies to man’s superior skill and intellect in producing today’s level of cultural development, he still has to find the solution to mass poverty. Whether theRead MoreMigration, Remittances, Inequality and Poverty the Philippines10368 Words   |  42 PagesAbstract Migration, Remittances, Poverty and Inequality The Philippines By Ernesto M. Pernia The paper looks into the effects of international migration and remittances on household incomes and well-being, poverty reduction, human capital investment, saving, and regional development in the home country. Remittances appear to raise average incomes for all income groups but more so for the richer households than for the poorer ones, a finding that is consistent with that in several Latin AmericanRead MoreWhat Are the Causes of Poverty in Philippine Economy?4887 Words   |  20 Pagesthe causes of poverty in Philippine economy? I.INTRODUCTION : One of the major problems that continue to plaque the Philippines is poverty. Despite the said efforts of both government and business firms many Filipinos remain in need. It is not a simple problem because now days we are facing mass poverty. For all the magnificent testimonies to man’s superior skill and intellect in producing today’s level of cultural development, he still has to find the solution to mass poverty. Whether the governmentRead MorePhilippines Anti-Poverty Program Through Peoples Participation9101 Words   |  37 PagesPHILIPPINES ANTI-POVERTY PROGRAM THROUGH PARTICIPATORY PLANNING Submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School University of St. La Salle Bacolod City In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements In: Rural Development Management Professor: Dr. Enrique Paderes, PhD. Greg C. Villanueva 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. Title Page †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.... Table of Contents†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 1 List of Figures†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 2 Read MorePhilippines Anti-Poverty Program Through Peoples Participation9113 Words   |  37 PagesPHILIPPINES ANTI-POVERTY PROGRAM THROUGH PARTICIPATORY PLANNING Submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School University of St. La Salle Bacolod City In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements In: Rural Development Management Professor: Dr. Enrique Paderes, PhD. Greg C. Villanueva 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. Title Page †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.... Table of Contents†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 1 List of Figures†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 2 PART I A. BACKGROUNDRead MorePoverty Affects Quality Of Life, Well Being, And Health1255 Words   |  6 PagesPoverty negatively impacts quality of life, well-being, and health. In 2015, it was estimated that 21.6% of the Philippine population was in poverty (Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016). 8.1% were facing extreme poverty and were below the minimum income required to meet basic food needs (Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016). Most of the poor in the Philippines live in rural areas and work in the agriculture sector, mainly farming and fishing (Dy-Liacco, 2014). The poorest families often haveRead MorePhilippines: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back740 Words   |  3 Pages Philippines: one step forward, two steps back Even though today’s world seems to advance their still seems to be one very serious and large issue, poverty and hunger. This issue is seen in lots of nations across the world, but it’s seen more in third world countries in East Asia, Africa, and South America. After many natural disasters and multiple changes in the form of government the country of the Philippines seems to have a high number of people living in poverty and starvation. Due to theRead MoreMalnutrition in the Philippines Essay1099 Words   |  5 PagesFor years, the people of the Philippines have been in grave danger of a horrible condition. They are suffering from malnutrition, an unhealthy imbalance in an individual’s diet which may result from a lack of certain nutrients being consumed or starvation (Board). Malnutrition has been an issue there for many years as a result of the country’s overwhelming poverty rates (about 27.9 percent of the populace) depriving its people of food, and ra ging typhoons (such as Super Storm Haiyan) have only exasperated

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Conflict and Family Social Support †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Conflict andFamily Social Support. Answer: Introduction: A model was used on 163 people living with at least one family member, to determine the relationship between work, family and how they relate to an individuals life satisfaction. It was concluded that family support is very instrumental in ensuring that there is little or no emotional conflict between family and work. The research showed that the two domains of family and work are interconnected and interdependent, as well as bidirectional (Ecklund, 2016).The research was based on two lines of inquiry: Work-Family conflict and Social Support. It suggested that conflict between work and family results to stress, both physically and psychologically (Stewart, 2013). The social support inquiry proved that support from family leads to the good health and general wellbeing of the workers (Ecklund, 2016). Unfortunately, the two researches are not integrated leading to the need for a new study that has been tested empirically. The study combines work-family conflict, social support and job and family involvement to job and life satisfaction. This is as illustrated below: It arises when the demands from family are not in alignment with demands from work, leading to negative effects on both family and work domain hence deterioration in an individuals health and wellbeing (Stewart, 2013). This is due to the fact that both work and family are bidirectional: they have a tendency of interfering with each other hence resulting to a burn out psychologically and decreased job satisfaction. This can eventually lead to depression, distress and low quality family life. (Ecklund, 2016). A research done on the effect of social support on workers showed that it affects individuals so positively that it leads to increased productivity due to the general well-being of the individual. Social support comes in various forms such as: emotional support (listening and empathizing with the workers) or instrumental support which involves solving their problems using tangible assistance (Ecklund, 2016). Social support can be offered at work or from non-work sources such as the members of ones family and friends. However, such support cannot predict the work outcomes such as satisfaction in jobs but it prevents health related problems such as anxiety and depression (Stewart, 2013). As seen above, it is very clear that work-family conflict and family social support both play a very important role in the well-being of an individual. It is therefore necessary to integrate both domains. In their research, Stewart (2013) came to the conclusion that supports from work superiors such as supervisors helped reduce the work family conflict. Another research also stated that "if the negative effects of the employees' jobs reach their family, families may find it difficult to be supportive" (Ecklund, 2016). In conclusion, hypothetically, family involvement brings about life satisfaction but not necessarily job satisfaction. These are elements that should be balanced so that the lives of both the young and the old can be fulfilled. (Stewart, 2013). References Ecklund, E. H. (2016). Failing families, failing science: Work-family conflict in academic science Stewart, C. L. (2013). Job stress, burnout and work-family conflict.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Four Functions Management Paper free essay sample

Functions of Management MGT/00 Essentials of College Writing July 22, 2011 Functions of Management The word Management describes as the method working with persons and resources in order to accomplish organizational goals (Bateman Snell, 2009). Other defines management as solving problem creatively via the functions of management (Adam, 2009). Accomplishing organizational goals require to posses basic steps in order to achieve the goals. There are four different functions of management planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. The following functions of management consist of the main functions of managers, which ought to carry out efficiently for the success of an organization or company (Expert Manage, n. d. ). Planning defines as specifying the goals to be attained and deciding in advance the appropriate actions needed to achieve those goals (Bateman Snell, 2009). Our organization, The Diocese of Tarlac is a non-profit organization. Our main objective is to have a great quality of service in our organization and community. Based from experience as an Altar Server at our organization; we plan first before executing anything. We will write a custom essay sample on Four Functions Management Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page For an instance a special event will occur. We decide first the function of each member to specific work what the member will do. We plan systematic procedure then choreograph our plan. A great planning has a desirable outcome of our activity and service. Lack of planning that means not prepared or a bad planning has taken place. In addition, lack of planning may lead us to miscommunication that may lead also into undesirable results. Planning stated to as a base component of management that also involves developing strategies to achieve these goals, thus planning is constant process (Expert Manage, n. d. ). Organizing defines as assembling and coordinating the person, financial, physical, informational, and other resources needed to achieve (Bateman Snell, 2009). The organizing is a constituent of planning. Based on opinion organizing is form of planning but organizing compromises more on the function of a certain member. On this case on our organization as an altar server, the specific function that has been given role to us was assisting he mass and on call community service. Being specific what the altar servers do that there are two parts on our team, main and the assistant servers. The functions of the main servers are to assist the priest while the assistant servers are to assist the main servers although both function to assist mass. Our organizing process starts with our weekly meeting and agendas. Organ izing is a system within the organization to follow in order the group, employees, and members function efficiently. Organizing decreases miscommunication within the organization. Organizing also makes clear on limitations of our responsibility. Through a great organizing leads to a great teamwork and a great tool of establishing goodwill within the organization. Organizing also choosing the right people for the specific roles and delegate task to people (Expert Manage, n. d. ). Leading defines as stimulating people to be high performers (Bateman Snell, 2009). The management functions as well to motivate the member within the organization. Based from point of view we need to motivate members due to the fact of the human emotional and psychological needs. We need this to inspire other member. Within our organization in Diocese of Tarlac, a good motivational speech makes a good day to start with. Leading is one of the functions of management but it does not mean the organization will operate only with managers. The organization needs persons who have leadership skills. Leadership and manager are two different meanings and some people think they are the same. Leadership defines as the people who have capacity to lead toward a common goal while manager define as a person who conducts business or household affairs (Merriam-Webster, 2011). Controlling defines as the process, which ensures that the work is done in the desired way and evaluate that the plans are properly executed or implemented (Adam, 2009). Every organization wants to posses desirable results and by controlling, they can evaluate the performance in order to improve or make changes if they need so. Our organization at Diocese of Tarlac, they monitor us Altar Server through a leader who watches us during we perform, ask the celebrant to evaluate us and survey from the people. We can tell if the server needs to practice more through this method. Sometimes the strategies and plans that were developed and implemented may not work out as initially planned due to certain external factors (Expert Manage, n. d. ). We can improve and modify our plans according to the results of evaluation. These four functions help on the organization success. The management reflects on how these functions implement them. In addition, these functions enhance good communication and maximize the efficiency in order to achieve the organizational goals. References Adam. (2009). 4 Functions of Management. Retrieved July 22, 2011 from http://www. mba-tutorials. com/management/287-4-functions-of-management. html Bateman Snell. (2009). Foundations of Management. Management: Leading and Collaborating in a Competitive World (8th ed. ). Boston,MA: Mcgraw-Hill Irwin Expert Mange. (n. d. ) Four Functions of Management. Retrieved July 22, 2011 from http://www. expertmanage. com/in. d. ex. php? option=com_contentview=articleid=122Itemid=166 Merriam-Webster. (2011). Dictionary. Retrieved July 22, 2011 from http://www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary

Sunday, March 8, 2020

History and Impact of African-American Slave Songs essays

History and Impact of African-American Slave Songs essays Swing Low, Sweet Chariot; Jimmy Crack Corn; Frankie and Johnny; String of Pearls; Blue Moon; Jingle Bell Rock; and Dirty Pop: none of these songs would be here today without influence from African-American culture. Some people have a hard time listening to black music, meaning Jazz, Blues, Rap, and Hip-Hop but using the same logistics, you would have to put Rock, Pop, many church hymns, and much of choral literature in the same category. For the most part people do not understand the origins of the many types of music we hear around us every day. Unless your high school music teacher found this type of appreciation necessary, or you happened to take some music courses in college, chances are youre a part of the most people. To understand and fully appreciate the music you enjoy today, you must first understand that while African-American slave songs were a prominent part of pre-Civil War culture, they have also had great influence on modern culture. In order to further understand African-American music, you must first know a certain amount of information about African music and culture. Music was and is a very important part of African culture. Much of African music was used as a way to document history. Because they did not have a written language, history was told through stories and in traditional folk songs. Music was also used in celebration of anything you can possibly think of. There were traditional songs to celebrate weddings, births, and even the loss of a baby tooth. In response to his own findings, Ralph Ellison wrote [I]t was the Africans origin in cultures in which art was highly functional which gave him an edge in shaping the music and dance of this nation. (Collier 1) African speech added to the use of music. Much like changing the tone of your voice can add a new meaning to a sentence, changing the pitch or quality of your voice changes the meaning of most Af...

Friday, February 21, 2020

Data Mining in Airlines - NOTE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Data Mining in Airlines - NOTE - Essay Example Among the diverse transportation security parts, airport security remains the most contentious because it is vastly invested however it raises concerns. A conceptual connection to the word â€Å"security† divulges several aspects of AIP security initiatives supported through government funding. Results of the study support theoretical framework that two levels exist that the influence the distribution of grants in transportation security, and they include environmental changes in macro level as well as project features in micro level. Moreover, analysis points out that 9/11 events and the economic crisis in 2008 greatly affected the provision of grants associated with security and all grants in various ways (Wang, Andoh-Baidoo & Sun, 2014). The main weakness in the analysis of the study is that it is restrained by the variable choices because of secondary data. For instance, airport region and type are the only two variables describing project characteristics that only approxi mately indicate location and scope. Moreover, FAA discloses only financed AIP projects, increasing the difficulty of investigating factors that influence awarding of grants. Despite the weaknesses, the study findings still generate some significant implications to both practitioners and researchers. It shows that the investment in transportation security positively responds to terrorist attacks like 9/11 although this is not the case with economic events like the 2008 economic crisis (Wang, Andoh-Baidoo & Sun, 2014). The study focusses on customer behavior and firms developing permanent relationships with customer (Liou, 2009). The study tries to solve the problem of forecasting behavior to help firms minimize loss of existing customers by vigorously creating an enduring relationship with customers (Liou, 2009). The paper uses factor analysis; as well, it introduces Variable Consistency

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Perspective on Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Perspective on Business - Essay Example Business should in essence earn profits for its own good. This statement holds true for the business as a whole but the manner in which he has explained the statement suggests that business has to do a lot of social service work apart from the usual profit earning exercises that it usually undertakes on a consistent basis. Because of this, the aspect of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has come about to the fold. This phenomenon is internal to an organization; as it dictates the manner in which it has to plan about the courses of action it has to carry out with respect to the society. This term basically deals with the organization’s set of operations that it carries out for the welfare of the society while existing within itself. However bringing in profits remains a significant aspect no matter what the ethical domains turn out to be. This is a reality and shall remain to be in the long range scheme of things. Moving on further with the discussion at hand regarding the responsibility of business units, we see that these concepts can be applied to a business in a very innovative fashion as well. The company can invest in the social arena with much return in mind, not in the short-term but of course in the long run. Such is the example of Shell, which has introduced education programs for children all over the globe thus acting as a consumer-friendly company. People in return like to buy products of Shell because it gives them the pleasure that some proportion of the money earned by Shell would be spent on its different social and literary programs. Culturally, this can prove to be a very vital agent that can really highlight the problem areas of different people within a particular environment and then go about correcting and reforming them in the best manner possible with the aid of funds and grants1. This is the basic way in which the business has been acting to do something for the sake of community welfare. The companies from the economic aspec ts can earn a due share with arranging all sorts of cultural activities in the name of charity that will benefit their cause and help the poor and needy. Speaking truly from an ethical viewpoint, it is the duty of any business that exists to satisfy a customer through its products and/or services to be responsive towards their needs and defer the financial sides concerned with the company. It is important though not to ignore the monetary aspect but to remain in the business in the first place for the ones the business is being done, it is essential to situate the resources onto them and then move on forward expanding the market share and the like. There are a number of companies that have continued to divest the consumers of their basic rights in the name of achieving certain financial ratios. However doing so does mean putting the business’ long term strategy at risk as the customers and the remaining stakeholders would not appreciate the fact that the enterprise does not v alue their concerns rather goes after the financial side. The need and thus the opportunity in the business world of present times is to get ourselves noticed and make the companies realize of their responsibilities that they owe to the customers. It is imperative on the part of the respective company’s leadership to understand that customers alone could shape up the future and visionary characteristics of the company and thus they have to be

Monday, January 27, 2020

Application On Blood Donation Using Android Platform

Application On Blood Donation Using Android Platform Android powers hundreds of millions of mobile devices in more than 190 countries around the world. Its the largest installed base of any mobile platform and growing fast-every day another million users power up their Android devices for the first time and start looking for apps, games, and other digital content. Android gives you a world-class platform for creating apps and games for Android users everywhere, as well as an open marketplace for distributing to them instantly. Android is revolutionizing the global cell phone market. Its the first open source mobile application platform. Android is a Linux based operating system designed primarily for touch screen mobile devices such as smart phones and tablet computers ,which Google backed financially and later brought in 2005, in collaboration with the open handset alliance. Android is an open source market where user can develop any application and get it publicized in the market. Android market is having approximately 4, 50,000 apps but there is no application available in the android market which motivates the public regarding blood donation. There are many factors that have allowed Android to become the worlds most widely used Smartphone platform, overtaking Sembilan in the fourth quarter of 2010, and the software of choice for technology companies who require a low-cost, customizable, lightweight operating system for high tech devices without developing one from scratch. As a result, despite being primarily designed for phones and tablets, it has seen additional applications on televisions, games consoles and other electronics. Androids open nature has further encouraged a large community of developers and enthusiasts to use the open source code as a foundation for community-driven projects, which add new features for advanced users or bring Android to devices which were officially released running other operating systems. In this paper we propose algorithm which mainly aims at developing an android application which motivates the youngsters for donating blood and check whether they are eligible for donating or not. This application will serve as an effective tool for creating awareness in public. . Furthermore, we will try to demonstrate with an application that might be used by the people using android phones. Objectives By developing this application, we want to create awareness among the android users and motivate them to help the needful. This application will help the user in all the possible ways helpful in blood donation. Detailed problem Definition After a long research we found that there are no apps in the Google play store which motivates the public in donating blood and clearing there misconceptions. We found out that there is a requirement of an application which is helpful for people in many ways. As we all know that donating blood is a good deed but due to some misconceptions people hesitate in donating blood. By going through the applications already available, we found out that all the applications are lacking the feature of connecting the people who are interested in either donating the blood or they urgently require the blood. The main feature of our application is connectivity provided by us. The donors and receivers can contact to each other depending on their needs. Sometimes in urgency u may have thought of any platform from where we can get the details of hospitals, blood banks, important contact numbers and contact numbers of social organizations but we fail to get such an application or platform. We found out that there are apps on internet but they are lacking some of utilities which we had developed in our application. Solution Methodology Registering Donors The one who would be using this application is requested to register for the cause. The process of registration is simple no complex interface is used for the same, everyone is welcome for registration. Even a person can register for other person. The following fields for registration: Name Contact Number Gender Blood Group Last Date of Donation Regular Donor/not Email Address It creates a hub of donors who are available of android. People who are under age are also welcome for registration for prospective donation. The Process and fields are made simple or possible so that the user should not feel hectic while providing the details. Database The secondary utility of this application is to provide the user the details of various hospitals and blood banks. Irrespective of the application usage, if user wants the contact of hospital or blood bank he can easily get. Efforts are made to provide the nearest hospital and blood bank details with assistance of GPS technology Bulk Messaging For Camps. As we know social organizations and NGOs come in front for organizing blood donation camps at various places with this application we provide another platform for broadcasting about the event. For this cause, the NGOs can contact using email or Face book page which is also is also administrated. About checking the genuine news of the event the registered donor will be send a message automatically. Even if the user is not under donation period he can spread the news to his friends or relatives regarding the blood donation camp. Motivation and clearing the misconceptions related to blood donation Our application contains videos and photo albums which plays a very important role in motivating the public. The videos contain motivational quotes and phrases. For clearing the doubts and confusions of the users regarding blood donation, we have created a FAQ section in which all the important questions are displayed. We had also introduced ask questions by using this user can ask questions. Working User Interface of this application asks the user to choose an option by displaying an option menu. Menu includes the various tabs namely registering donors tab, direct link to some hospitals, motivational videos, and social networking links. A very special thing about this application is that it includes FAQs (Frequently asked questions) section which is fastest way to clear the doubts of the users. Addition to that, application includes another option through which user can raise his personal questions; the question will be replied by the application administrator at earliest so that the dignity of application is maintained. The interface of the application is made as simple as possible so that even a new user can get familiar to it and use it to full extent. The On-device view icon of the application looks like: When the user click the application icon then the second page opens displaying various menu options. On clicking the first option of the menu that is ABOUT. The following page opens and it contains the details regarding the application. When the user clicks the registration menu option the following page is displayed which registers the users and save all the details. When the user clicks on the option CMC Hospital it redirected to the CMCs Blood Bank Homepage. Motivation videos Option open the following page which contains some motivational videos. If the User will have any queries regarding our application and its working he can contact the developer/Administrator. Conclusion This application will help the android users to get information about blood donation. The need of blood donation and all the queries related to that. We had focused on the productivity of the application by maintaining a database of the donors containing their contact numbers and email ids so that we can make the most of it. We had designed the application in such a way that it helps the user in all possible ways when he or she needs help. If time will permit we will add more features and improve the productivity of the application. Referential Web Wikipedia Google

Sunday, January 19, 2020

The Anger We All Share Essays -- Biology Essays Research Papers

The Anger We All Share Anger, it is an emotion that we are all familiar with and in a way, an important part of the average normally functioning human. Who hasn't encountered anger in a friend, family member, or even the random person you met on the street? In literature, it is absolutely necessary in order to generate a tale with the right tension and motive for character behavior. Authors use creative wording to fashion the various images necessary to convey this emotion: fiery, smoldering, explosive, seething, etc., they're all employed to describe anger. Anger seems to be something we can't avoid. Every time you're bitter, cynical, holding a grudge, sullen, or frustrated, it was either because of anger you're experiencing these emotions or will result in anger. So what is anger, and what causes it? Why does this emotion play such an important part in our lives, and in some cases, cause so much trouble? Anger can be mild, as with annoyance at a younger sibling, or intense like the rage felt if you returned home to find it burglarized. Though in this society, we have generally been taught that anger is bad, this is actually a normal and healthy emotion (1). That is, if experienced in moderation; anything to excess tends to result in trouble. When anger gets out of control, it can become a serious problem, which could not only damage your relationships with other people but also leave you feeling helpless to an unpredictable emotion (1). The Forebrain, namely the Cerebellum, is responsible for our emotions, anger being one of them (8). Like other strong emotions, it is accompanied by physiological and biological changes. These changes include, but aren't restricted to, the increase of heart rate and blood pressure, a..., theories about how and why aggression develops, and means of preventing or coping with anger 3)He@lth: Anger and Aggression, Consumer tips 4)Heart Information Network, Anger and its effect on the heart: a review of research studies 5) Building Better Human Relationships, Anger Toolkit 6)Counseling and Career Center, A Brigham Young University Website 7)Mean Genes, Comparing aggression in humans and other primates 8)The Brain, Biology and Behavior, A number of definitions regarding the brain

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Nathaniel Hawthorne Essay

For the American writer Nathaniel Hawthorne the most explored theme of all his writings is the imperfect spirituality of man and the pervasiveness of sin throughout creation. Both of the stories under analysis here, Young Goodman Brown and The Minister’s Black Veil, feature a young reverend as the central character of the work and a Puritanical community in New England as the setting. Both of the tales are allegories centered on the ambiguity of human spirituality and on the ubiquity of sin in creation. Young Goodman Brown is an allegory about the deep mystery of sin, for which the author makes use of all available suggestive elements, from the setting- a deep and gloomy forest in New England, to the characters and their symbolic names- Goodman, an obvious hint at â€Å"good man†, and Faith, an equally transparent hint at religious faith, to other symbolic elements such as the staff resembling a wrinkled serpent, obviously the serpent in the Garden of Eden. Hawthorne approaches the idea of sin in his allegorical usual way, with conspicuous Biblical allusions, but also with deep psychological insight into the character’s soul and mind. He delves profoundly into human consciousness and the life of the mortal soul, highlighting the permanent conflicts between virtue and sin. In Young Goodman Brown we follow the main character on his intricate course through the dark and gloomy forest, reminding us of the Garden of Eden, and we are confronted with the grim temptations of sin in a vague, confusing setting, where the line dividing-line between dream and reality becomes very thin. It is Hawthorne’s own choice to leave the question as to whether the night’s confused events and the meeting of the community of witches was a dream or reality. Through this artifice, an essential problem is set forth- the result is that the reader has to wonder whether the sin and the fall into temptation belong to Goodman alone or whether the entire community is pervaded by sinfulness and immorality. The forest is thus a symbol for the human consciousness and for the spiritual life of man, and what Hawthorne undertakes to find out is whether everybody is actually lost on the paths of the spiritual, and which of the two –virtue or sin – is the true state of the spiritual life. Another important aspect is that in the midst of the gloominess of the forest meet for initiation into the lore of sinfulness, both the villagers who are commonly considered as virtuous and pious in everyday life, and are often set an example, and those members of the community who are normally viewed as sinners or criminals. Thus, the two main sides of spiritual life- virtue and sin are both mere appearances, whereas in the inner life of man they live together undisturbed. The Minister’s Black Veil is similar to Young Goodman Brown in many respects. Again, the centre of the story is the tormented consciousness of a young priest, who chooses to wear a symbolic black veil over his eyes, that prevents him from enjoying any kind of mortal happiness. In the end, the veil is seen as a symbol for the darkness and sinfulness that is hidden into the depths of human consciousness and that separates man from his fellows. As Goodman Brown typifies the average man, torn between virtue and sin, the minister in this story symbolizes the imperfect spirituality of man. The black veil that hides the face of the young priest is but the symbol of the outward representation of sin. According to Hawthorne, sin is inherent in the soul and is only veiled by the appearance of virtue. Sinfulness lies therefore deep within and separates all men from one another as the black veil separates the minister both from light and from communion with his fellows. Hawthorne therefore tackles mortal imperfection and the pervasive nature of sin in creation. Both stories emphasize the nature of human spirituality, at the very core of which sin and unlawfulness thrive.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Ionic Compound Properties, Explained

An ionic bond is formed when there is a large electronegativity difference between the elements participating in the bond. The greater the difference, the stronger the attraction between the positive ion (cation) and negative ion (anion). Properties Shared by Ionic Compounds The properties of ionic compounds relate to how strongly the positive and negative ions attract each other in an  ionic bond. Iconic compounds also exhibit the following properties: They form crystals.Ionic compounds form crystal lattices rather than amorphous solids. Although molecular compounds form crystals, they frequently take other forms plus molecular crystals typically are softer than ionic crystals.  At an atomic level, an ionic crystal is a regular structure, with the cation and anion alternating with each other and forming a three-dimensional structure based largely on the smaller ion evenly filling in the gaps between the larger ion.They have high melting points and high boiling points.High temperatures are required to overcome the attraction between the positive and negative ions in ionic compounds. Therefore, a lot of energy is required to melt ionic compounds or cause them to boil.They have higher enthalpies of fusion and vaporization than molecular compounds.Just as ionic compounds have high melting and boiling points, they usually have enthalpies of fusion and vaporization that can be 10 to 100 times higher than those of most molecular compoun ds. The enthalpy of fusion is the heat required melt a single mole of a solid under constant pressure. The enthalpy of vaporization is the heat required for vaporize one mole of a liquid compound under constant pressure.Theyre hard and brittle.Ionic crystals are hard because the positive and negative ions are strongly attracted to each other and difficult to separate, however, when pressure is applied to an ionic crystal then ions of like charge may be forced closer to each other. The electrostatic repulsion can be enough to split the crystal, which is why ionic solids also are brittle.They conduct electricity when they are dissolved in water.When ionic compounds are dissolved in water the dissociated ions are free to conduct electric charge through the solution. Molten ionic compounds (molten salts) also conduct electricity.Theyre good insulators.Although they conduct in molten form or in aqueous solution, ionic solids do not conduct electricity very well because the ions are bound so tightly to each other. A Common Household Example   A familiar example of an ionic compound is table salt or sodium chloride. Salt has a high melting point of  800 ºC. While a salt crystal is an electric insulator, saline solutions (salt dissolved in water) readily conduct electricity. Molten salt is also a conductor. If you examine salt crystals with a magnifying glass, you can observe the regular cubic structure resulting from the crystal lattice. Salt crystals are hard, yet brittle -- its easy to crush a crystal. Although dissolved salt has a recognizable flavor, you dont smell solid salt because it has a low vapor pressure.